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Industrial themed Interiors & Exteriors /

Pike Pub remodel

riveted columns for Downtown Seattle's Labor Temple

Raw steel facade

Riveted stairs

riveted stairs

Riveted decorative arch for the Pike Pub remodel

Dimple die architectural facade

riveted corner trim

Hollow rivet coffee table

Riveted cast iron utility sink base

Modified saw base antique sink

Partnership with Summit Construction, NYC

Riveted plate girder sample for the Pike Pub remodel

Riveted butcher block kitchen island

Riveted sheet metal trim

Hydraulic riveting

Riveted Fire Hood with Titus Abrams Co.

faux rivets small to XL

Riveted sheet metal trim and panels available soon

Riveted roof truss sample

Faux (fake) rivet heads bound for Disneyworld

Hydraulic riveting

faux riveted coffee bar

Titanic riveted steel stairs

Riveted steel stairs

pyramid head rivets

Custom forged rivets: Steeple head, round head, pyramid head, cone head, square head and pan head

Faux rivets

Hydraulic riveting

Hydraulic riveting

Custom forged pyramid head rivets

Historic mockup

Schedule 80 hollow steel rivets

Hot rivets up to 1 1/2" diameter

Hydraulic shop riveting

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